Military App - A Comparison

The Military App platform and service is unique. Below is a comparison table - to help illustrate and understand the differences between our Military App offering, and other products / providers in the market.
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Features and Services

Military App

Veteran-led community platform and service - designed for a global military community of serving, reservist & veteran members, and their families.

Individual unit access to a global and growing military community.


Customer Relationship Management Software for member-based organisations.

Comparison is based on SubscriberCRM used by a number of Regimental Associations.

Comparison is based on a popular CRM used by a number of Regimental Associations.

Community Platform

Online community platform for education, corporate, alumni and non-profits.

Comparison is based on Hivebrite, an online community platform used by the Rifles.

Comparison is based on a commercially available online community platform.
Community Management
Global Community
Join a thriving and connected global community, enter via your own Unit identity into an active community
Not a Community
Create your Own
Community Growth
Is the community active, engaged and managed or do you need to build it from your existing membership base?
Fully Managed Service
Working with Unit HQ
Not a Community
Self Service
Build your own
Human Resource Requirements
Does the platform require additional resources in Unit HQ to manage it?
Increased efficiency and specialised tools reduce overall time commitment

Similar to existing workload to manage member data
Self Service
RHQ/Unit need to manage everything and build community
Support Organisations
3rd Party Support organisations and services embedded into the community
Fully Managed Service
by Military App
Self Service
Create/find your own
Bulk Email Sending
Events created and managed by the community reducing load on central unit resources
Targeted Email Sending
Email segmentation and scheduled email sending
Group Chat
In App messaging with polls and questions for improved organisation
Direct Messaging
In App messaging for quick and efficient communication
Email Design Service
Design and Marketing support for your communication
Simple Web Interface
Web based interface allowing for easy image and video embedding
Push Notifications
In-App Notifications of chats, events and news
Member Generated Events
Events created and managed by the community reducing load on central unit resources
Community Wide Events
Events from other units and support organisations allowing wider reach across units
Event Creation and Management
In-person event programmes that actively encourage in-person connection
Online Payments
Allow online payment for events via secure 3rd party providers
Member Details
Secure Member Access
Members' area with private content, news and events
Partial via members portal
Personal Information Storage
Personally identifiable information with GDPR implications
Supplementary Services
Dedicated Community Support
Active community support for members, group admin including onboarding, set up and growth
During Onboarding
Web Design
Full CMS (Content Management System) based design and build of websites
Partial with support for "public" pages
Marketing & Merchandise
Design, sourcing and delivery of marketing materials and merchandise to support community activation and engagement events
Event Management
Creation and management of in-person events
Film and Content Creation
Film and videos to help promote your app launch or capture human content stories to drive engagement
Company Structure and Values
Social Enterprise
Profit-share invested back into the social purpose. Long term commitment to the success of the community
Veteran Led
Veteran management and military veteran patrons and advisors
Armed Forces Covenant
Proud supporters of the Armed Forces Covenant and its principles
UK Based
UK based business and data storage and sovereignty
Carbon Neutral Hosting
ISO27001 and PCI-DSS/TIA-942 in a 100% renewable energy data centre certified by the Green Web Foundation
Grant application authoring and a close collaborative working relationship with each of our regimental clients and, where possible, we can help out securing financial support

Military App

The clear leader when it comes to connecting, engaging and supporting a military community.

Offering competitive subscription costs within the market and, uniquely, including a fully-managed, service delivery model - there is simply no comparison when it comes to value for money.

The centralised investment and "give back" ensures that the Military App is aligned to its members for the long term.


A CRM is a useful tool for managing membership data and basic outbound communications.

It is not a platform to actively connect and support your members.

Some CRMs can be delivered at very low cost (some free) but they are only providing a small piece of the solution that is required.

Community Platform

Generic community platforms can be developed into an engaging and supportive environment, but this takes significant time and resource.

The platforms service many different communities – and, critically, are not designed as bespoke models for the Military.

The costs can be significant, particularly when you consider the increased resource cost to manage the community.
A strategic approach to drive positive, human connection and support across the entire military and veteran community.
Working with Military Units & Associations as well as acting as a strategic connective tissue across the wider veteran & serving community means that the Military App model is scalable and sustainable.

Transforming the way Regiments and Military Units connect and support their entire family.

For new Regiments, Unit HQs or Associations looking to better support your members…